Driveway & Field Roads

Driveway Construction & Improvement

The Town of Vermont Driveway and Field Road Ordinance is one that nearly every property owner will need to reference at some point in time.
Prior to establishing, constructing, improving, modifying or reworking a driveway or field road that changes the existing topography of the land, a driveway permit must be obtained.

The type of driveway permit required is dependent upon the exact work being completed and could be either a driveway construction permit, a driveway improvement permit or a permit reinstatement.

Any work performed under either a driveway improvement permit or a driveway construction permit must adhere to the requirements of the current Driveway and Field Road Ordinance.

Land Use Application Form & Checklist

Land Use Intent Application Form (interactive or printable) must be completed and returned to the Town of Vermont Plan Commission. Please refer to the Driveway and Field Road Ordinance  for detailed requirements regarding new driveway construction or improvements to a current driveway.

The Land Use Intent Application Checklist (interactive or printable) provides detailed information required for your application, as well as links to additional information. Please also use the application checklist to ensure that your form is submitted correctly the first time:

Please Note: You may, at any time throughout the zoning change process, contact the Town of Vermont Plan Commission Secretary, Diane Anderson, at for information or guidance.

Minor Maintenance

Minor maintenance does not require a permit. Minor maintenance is defined as any work that does not require excavation and that disturbs less than 500 square feet of land area outside the existing roadway. Minor maintenance includes:

  • Grading
  • Resurfacing by adding gravel
  • Sealcoating
  • Adding blacktop or concrete without otherwise changing the existing roadway
  • Limited ditch cleaning that disturbs less than 500 square feet of land area outside the existing roadway

Permit Expiration

Driveway permits expire three (3) years from the date that they are signed by the Town Chair.

Please Note: You may, at any time throughout the zoning change process, contact the Town of Vermont Plan Commission Secretary, Diane Anderson, at for information or guidance.