FEBRUARY 9, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Steven Frame. The clerk certified the notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, Amcore Bank in Mount Horeb, on the town web site www.town of vermont.com and on the front door of the town hall; published in the News Sickle-Arrow and the Mount Horeb Mail.

Present: Chairman, Steven Frame; Supervisors David Dybdahl, Barbara Grenlie, Mark Sherven; Treasurer Sarah Danz and Clerk Marian Swoboda. Absent: Supervisor Bill Hanson.

There was no citizen input.


Motion was made by Mark Sherven seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to approve the January 10, 2005 board minutes as presented.


Treasurer Sarah Danz reported deposits of $840,006.60 during the month of January 2005. $818,707.09 tax collections, $400.00 dog licenses, 325.00 land use fees, 25.00 assessment searches, 2,026.44 DNR pay out in lieu of taxes, $391.70 interest on accounts, and $18,131.37 state transportation aid.

The reconciliation of accounts at the end of January showed $18,167.49 in the checking account, $477,835.83 in the savings account and minus $13,883.21 in the checking account resulting in a cash balance of $482,120.11.


The January 31, 2005 balance sheet distributed by the clerk showed a cash balance of $482,120.11 at the end of the month the same as reported by the treasurer. The January income & expenses vs. budget report showed total income of $840,006.60 and expenses totaling $677,071.31 leaving a cash position of $162,935.29 for the year 2005. By adding the 2004 cash carryover shown on the balance sheet, $319,184.82, the town's equity position matches that shown on the reconciliation of accounts, $482,120.11.

The clerk also shared with the board copies of four reports filed annually with state and federal governments. (1)The 2004 financial report required by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. The accuracy of this report is important because it is used to determine the town's annual highway aid. The accuracy is assured through the reconciliation of accounts requiring equal participation by the treasurer and clerk. It categorizes the town's revenues and expenditures in a format required by state statutes. It is also used to prepare the financial report to the town's annual meeting. (2) Statement of Taxes. This report is required by state statutes as a means of auditing the collection and disbursement of taxes levied upon the town by taxing jurisdictions: The State, County, Town of Vermont, School Districts, MATC, Fire & EMS Districts. The total collected for the year 2004 was $1,776,934.05. The Town of Vermont levy was $160,084.00. The remaining dollars were disbursed to the other taxing jurisdictions named above. The board asked the clerk to present to them at the next board meeting information on how the school districts formulate their levy. (3) Employers 2004 annual Reconciliation of Wisconsin Income Tax withheld from wages. The report showed $3,572.13 were with-held and paid to the state in monthly installments. (4) W-3 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements. This report filed with the Social Security Administration showed the town paid out a total of $85,481.18 in compensation to its employees and officers in 2004. The amount of taxes withheld were as follows: Federal income tax $6,445.00; Social Security tax $5,299.84; Medicare tax $1,239.51.

The clerk also reported that she planned to begin the task of registering voters as required under the Help American Vote Act of 2002 at the Spring primary election on February 15, 2005.


The clerk presented a listing of January 2005 disbursements totaling $677,071.31; the same amount appearing under expenses on the January 2005 income and expense report.

Following a review of the actual checks along with the disbursement report,

Motion was made by Barbara Grenlie seconded by David Dybdahl and carried to approve the payment of the January bills covered by checks numbered 10348 through 10391 totaling $677,071.31.


A draft of the revised Recreational Activity Permit Application prepared in accord with suggestions made at the January meeting was reviewed. A few changes were made prompting the clerk to suggest that a final draft be reviewed at the March meeting. Nolan Culberson and Karl Heil from the Horribly Hilly Hundreds and Jack Graham and Johanna Solms from the Bombay Bicycle Club were present. Each of them contributed to the discussion giving specific suggestions concerning the registration and identification of participates and the need for the sponsors to take greater control of the activities. The 120 day advance noticed for filing the permit application was waived for Horribly Hilly Hundreds inasmuch as they had already discussed their intents with the board.


There were no reports on EMS District one, Black Earth Fire District or Mt. Horeb Fire District inasmuch as meetings were scheduled for the following week. Dave Haugen reported that he had taken the new truck to Monroe because the main apron sand spreader was malfunctioning only to find that a fuse controlling the function was blown out. The truck company put in a heavier fuse which should take care of the problem. Also that there was a problem with the LP gas tank going dry causing a very bad odor in the hall for a couple of days. Premier Cooperative checked the gas lines and controls and found no problems. They informed us that their records indicated the town had sufficient gas for another several days but somehow about 100 more gallons of gas were used than expected. It may be that the new garage furnace is using more gas than the old furnace. Marian suggested installing a computer linked sensing system rather than relying on degree days to tell them when to fill the LP tank which they did.


Motion was made by David Dybdahl seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to adjourn the meeting.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m.

Marian Swoboda, Town Clerk