May 13, 2013 – 7:30 P.M. – TOWN HALL, 4017 HWY JJ

(1) call to order and certification of notice posting (2) approval of agenda

(3) chairman’s report and correspondence (4) citizen input (5) approval of minutes (6) treasurer’s report (7) clerk’s report (8) payment of bills (9) discussion and possible approval of appointment to fill vacant Supervisor seat 4 (10) consideration and possible approval of Planning Commission recommendations regarding homesite and driveway construction permit application from Don Parrell on Blue Mounds Trail (11) consideration and possible approval of Planning Commission recommendations regarding changes to Driveway Permit renewal (12) consideration and possible approval for public hearing for Wind Turbine Siting ordinance (13) consideration and possible approval of letter to Dane County regarding public notice and involvement in tax payer funded land acquisition process (14) consideration and possible approval of 2013-2014 applications from Tyrol Basin for alcohol beverage license and operator licenses for Don McKay and Nikita Exterovich (15) discussion of 2013 Town picnic (16) committee reports (17) discussion of agenda items for June meeting (18) adjournment

Posted May 8, 2013 Marc Robertson, Clerk