JULY 12, 2004 - 7:30 P. M. - 4017 COUNTY TK JJ

(1) call to order and certification of posting (2) citizen input (3) approval of minutes (4) bicycle race permits (5) Dane County Sheriff representative (6) return of permit application refundable deposits (7) treasurer's report (8) clerk's report (projected year-end income and expense) (9) payment of bills (10) voter registration update(11) 2004-2005 propane agreement (12) Josh Eisele operator's license application (to serve fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors) (13) Plan Commission recommendations: (a) to approve the town's participation in the proposed multi-jurisdictional comprehensive grant application at a cost of $500.00 (b) to approve the revised land use fee schedule (14) committee reports (15) adjournment

Publish: 7/8/04 Marian Swoboda, Town Clerk