MAY 10, 2004 - 7:30 P.M. - TOWN HALL, 4017 COUNTY TK JJ

(1) call to order and certification of notice posting (2) citizen input (3) approval of minutes (4) treasurer's report (5) clerk's report (6) payment of bills (7) approval of 2004-2005 applications from Tyrol Basin for alcohol beverage license, cigarette license, and operator licenses (8) granting of permission to use an outdoor amplifier at the June 5 and 6 Tyrol Basin Summerfest event (9) recommendations from the Plan Commission concerning rezoning, driveway permit, and home site approval from Brian and LeAnn Haroldson at 3480 County Tk JG (10) approval of road and culvert bids (11) committee reports (12) adjournment

Publish: 04/06/04 Marian Swoboda, Town Clerk